



Continue to check this site for updates and new additions.
Last Update:  March 26, 2003
Everybody needs to go to the Message Board and register.  Also, read the note at the bottom of the Message Board page.  Thank you.

Important Notices
-Everyone that can, absolutely NEEDS to get Roger Wilco, as well as a mic.  Keep checking back for future updates.  Get it here.

-Everyone needs to get the 2nd Ranger Skin Pack.  This is a must.  Get it here.

-Ok, everyone needs to go download a new omaha map.  Get it hereThe maps that you need to get are Omaha 2 Dog Green (about halfway down the page), Communications (about halfway down aswell), and Deathmatch Arena (3 maps below Communications).  These are great maps and everyone is now required to have them.

--Everyone needs to check their filter settings on their email inboxes.  It seems that some of the bulk mailings from the clan, emailed out to the members, have not been getting through.

--We have adopted a new practice schedule.  Practices will now be Mondays and Fridays, 7-9CST.  If this conflicts with anybody, please let us know immediately.

--We have changed our requirements for entry into the clan.  Check out the Join page.  The Rules page has been changed as well, so check that out too.

--As we are working on this new website, we are also working on new award qualifications.  Don't be surprised if you have an award today and then lose it in the future.  The new changes will apply to everyone.  Everyone, for the most part, will start with a clean slate.


Current Webmaster:  Sgt. AznSacrifice (aka Oliver) <email address: sorceror_knight@hotmail.com>